Uniparts India IPO Opens Today

Uniparts india ipo launch
Uniparts Group Ipo Launch

A global company named Uniparts India which deals in the components for the Forestry and mining, agriculture and construction and other market sectors and is spread in around 25 countries in the world.

Uniparts India recently launched and debut its first-ever IPO in the market which was scheduled to open today 30th November 2022, and is currently live.

As per the current reports, the IPO of Engineered Systems Manufacturing Company, Uniparts India will be the last IPO subscription of November 2022.

10 Major things to know before Subscribing to the Offer

IPO DatesIPO will open on 30 November 2022 and will continue till 2 December 2022.
Price BandThe price for the share set by the company is 548-577 per share.
IPO SizeA total of 32.09% post-offer-paid-up equity capital will be constituted.
Objectives of the IssueThe listing of the shares on the stock exchange is the main objective that which company has made.
Lot sizeThe minimum number of shares for which investors can apply is 25 shares and in the multiples of the 25 shares, and retail investors can invest the amount of Rs. 14,425 per lot as a minimum lot and up to Rs. 1,87,525 for a maximum of 13 lots.

Company profile

Seeing the company’s history and other backgrounds it would be easy to analyze the investment criteria to be made or not for the particular company.


The company’s financial growth was as per the profit and loss ratio of a few years and recently the company’s profit which ended on closing in march 2022 was around 79.2% on the growing side and compared with Rs 167 crore for the previous year.


They are said to be the chairman and also the director of the management. Uniparts India has one chairman and director Gurdeep Soni and also in charge of the marketing business along with 30 years of massive experience.


A company which is continuously has a place in the market and growing up very fast along with a high-profit ratio, also has a lot of risks faced and non-faced during business and off the business. There is a lot of risk such as share sales risk, segmentation risks, growth risks, manufacturing risks, availability risks etc.

Listing Date

The final date for the IPO allotment of the shares set up by the company is 7 December 2022. The refund date of the IPO is 8 December 2022. The date for credit of the equity shares is 9 December 2022 and the Date for shares listing on BSE and NSE is 12 December 2022.

The IPO shares of Uniparts India are been traded in both Grey Market and Unofficial Trading Platforms with a growing percentage of 15%.

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